Most Common FAQ’s About Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash is perhaps the most common auto accident injury. Even a minor accident can produce whiplash symptoms. At The Spine Clinic in Salem, we have ample experience with whiplash treatment and recovery. If you suffer from whiplash, the following FAQ can help you learn more about this condition.

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is an injury that occurs to your neck muscles and ligaments when they are stretched beyond their normal capacity. Strained neck muscles can cause severe pain in your neck. Whiplash can be accompanied by headaches, stiff neck and pain in your arms and upper back as well.

How Do Neck Strains Occur?

A neck strain can occur in an auto accident, bike accident, slip, and fall or during sports play. These injuries are most common in low-speed auto accidents as the neck, head and body ricochet forward and back during impact. This motion can cause micro-tears and abnormal stretching of your neck muscles.

What Kind of Treatment Do You Provide Whiplash?

At The Spine Clinic, we utilize chiropractic techniques such as manual adjustments, massage and physical therapy exercises to alleviate muscle tension and reduce pain. These natural techniques work with your body’s natural ability to heal. Chiropractic care focuses on non-invasive, drug-free procedures to eliminate the pain and discomfort that whiplash can cause and promote quicker healing from your auto accident injury. Your Salem chiropractor will create a treatment plan that’s tailored to your specific needs.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Whiplash Injury?

As no two injuries are exactly alike, recovery times can vary from one person to another. The human body has a tremendous capacity to heal, but not everyone heals at the same rate. Your time frame for recovery will also depend on the extent of your injury. By following a personalized treatment plan, you’ll get the most from your chiropractic care and recover more quickly. Depending on your situation, recovery could take anywhere between two and eight weeks.

Schedule an Appointment for Chiropractic Care, Contact The Spine Clinic Today!

To schedule an appointment for whiplash treatment at The Spine Clinic in Salem, call (503) 362-5555.