Common Questions about Shoulder Pain Relief

Causes and Treatment of Shoulder Pain

If your shoulder hurts, you likely have questions about your pain and what can be done to eliminate it. The best way to find out – and eliminate your pain - is to visit Dr. Lyndon McGill at The Spine Clinic for evaluation, diagnosis, and a treatment plan.

What is Making My Shoulder Hurt?

In most cases, direct injury or inflammation is responsible. The details take many forms, including:

Strains and sprains - They are often referred to as "twisting your shoulder" in everyday language. Twisting and overexertion can cause this injury.

Shoulder bursitis - Bursitis involves the inflammation of the sac-like bursae in the shoulder area. This inflammation results in pain.

Dislocation - Shoulder dislocation often occurs when the shoulder is forced out of joint by an impact, such as falling and landing on the shoulder or upper arm.

Frozen shoulder - Frozen shoulder affects the capsule of the shoulder joint. It makes it difficult or impossible to move the joint, and it can be very painful. Some doctors suspect that it is caused by accumulated scar tissue.

Rotator cuff injuries - The rotator cuff is the group of muscles and tendons that hold your arm on. These tissues also power shoulder motion. Injuries to them can come from a number of sources.

Diagnosis and Treatment

When you go to a chiropractor for treatment, he will examine your shoulder, other arm joints, and spine to determine the main source of the problem. This will include a direct examination as well as imaging studies.

Once the problem has been found, a treatment plan will be devised. It will likely include spinal or joint adjustments as well as treatments such as therapeutic massage and corrective exercises. These treatments will speed healing and help to relieve most shoulder pains.

Contact Our Local Chiropractor Today

To make an appointment with us at The Spine Clinic, just give us a call here in Salem, OR at (503) 362-5555. We'll be happy to help you get rid of your shoulder pain and regain your range of motion.