How Soon After a Car Accident Should I See a Chiropractor?

There are many different ways in which we can become injured. Car accidents represent one of the most common causes of injuries sustained by adults and children in the U.S. Not all of these injuries are reported either – those which are less serious and don’t require an immediate visit to an emergency room, doctor or other medical professional are often overlooked. This is especially true when it comes to those injuries which affect the musculoskeletal system. However these aches and pains can become chronic pain if not properly treated.

Common musculoskeletal injuries sustained from car accidents

The musculoskeletal system refers to the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and other connective tissues that support the body’s structure. The force and stress placed onto the musculoskeletal system as the result of a car accident can cause a number of different types of injury to occur – the severity of which can vary considerably. These include:

  • Strains

  • Sprains

  • Tears to muscles, tendons and ligaments

  • Dislocations

  • Fractures

  • Herniated discs

  • Damage to spinal cord


One thing that all of these injuries have in common is that they are internal, and this can make them hard to detect. Often, the initial rush of adrenalin that is experienced after an accident, combined with shock, masks any early symptoms of an injury. In some cases, they are so well hidden that it can takes days or even weeks before the patient realizes that they have sustained some internal damage. The longer injuries go undetected, the longer it will take them to heal and the more likely it is that you will experience long-term effects from the damage you have sustained. It is for this reason that experts recommend that you see a chiropractor as soon as possible after being involved in a car accident.

Why see a chiropractor after a car accident?

Chiropractors are highly trained, experienced specialists that specialize in diagnosing, managing and treating disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system. This means that if you have suffered an injury to any of your bones, muscles or other connective tissues, your chiropractor will be able to identify it and suggest the best course of action to treat it. Chiropractic treatments are non-invasive and drug-free which are two huge benefits for people who want to avoid surgical treatments and prescription medications. Exactly which chiropractic techniques will be recommended to you will depend on the location and severity of your injuries but will likely include the most common – spinal adjustments.

These are manual manipulations of the spine to bring it into alignment, alleviate any areas of pressure and inflammation and free any trapped nerves. In doing so, there will be less pressure on the nervous system, circulation will be fully restored, and this will send nutrient and oxygen-rich blood around the body to accelerate your rate of healing.


Benefits of seeing a chiropractor after a car accident

There are a range of benefits to seeing a chiropractor following a car accident.

  • Natural pain relief

  • Release of tension and stress

  • Improved circulation

  • Better joint mobility

  • Easier movement

  • Increased energy

  • Improved sleep

  • Faster recovery


If you have been involved in a car accident, don’t delay making an appointment with your chiropractor in Salem at The Spine Clinic. Call our team today at (503) 362-5555 to schedule your appointment.