Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain: A Safe and Natural Alternative to Pain Medication

The world today is digital. Most people spend most of their time staring at digital screens, either on a desk or in their hands. These situations culminate in a generation that suffers from the symptoms of bad posture and misaligned spines.

One pervasive outcome of the sedentary lifestyle is neck pain. Neck pain is so common that about half of the world's population suffers from it annually. Those are scary statistics. Neck pain can become annoying, considering we use our neck so much. Many people prefer to avoid pain medication as much as possible. Fortunately, there is a drug-free solution to neck pain: chiropractic care.


What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic adjustments restore the body's alignment to reduce pain, enhance function, and promote self-healing. It is a type of therapy that focuses on how the body is built, especially the spine. While spinal manipulation is the cornerstone of its care, additional procedures could also be used.

These include posture and exercise education, manual or manipulative therapy, and ergonomic training. To treat patients with pain, chiropractors frequently collaborate with primary care physicians, specialists in pain management, and surgeons. Chiropractic care is a safe, non-surgical, and drug-free treatment for neck pain.


How Can Chiropractic Care Resolve Neck Pain?



When you visit a chiropractor with neck pain, they will perform an evaluation. Not all neck pain has the same cause; some forms are symptoms of other underlying issues. Diagnosis is a critical part of chiropractic care because these doctors focus on the source of the problems. They do not treat the symptoms.



They will assess restricted movement and consider your gait, overall posture, and spinal alignment. These actions can assist your chiropractor in understanding the mechanics of your body.

You will discuss your medical history with the doctor in addition to the clinical examination. They may prescribe imaging tests (such as an X-ray or an MRI) to assist them in pinpointing the precise source of your neck pain.

All these phases in the health assessment will give your chiropractor more knowledge regarding your neck pain. They will allow them to understand it better and develop a treatment strategy specifically for you.



The treatment usually includes different techniques, depending on your specific issue.


Cervical Mobilization

This technique eliminates fixations or regions where mobility is impeded. This usually happens between the segments in the cervical spine. It is a gentle, non-thrust stretch often used in an oscillating hand motion throughout the mobilization.


Cervical Manual Traction

The chiropractor uses gentle pulling motions to stretch the cervical spine. They will frequently alter the angle between flexion and extension in quest of the most comfortable position and the angle that will most effectively loosen the tightness. Mobilization is commonly used with this technique, switching back and forth or performing both simultaneously.


Cervical Drop Techniques

The purpose is to lessen the cervical vertebra's fixation or restricted motion with a unique table. The head and neck are typically not rotated or twisted when making this adjustment. With this procedure, the traditional crack might or might not happen.

For more on chiropractic care for neck pain, visit The Spine Clinic at our office in Salem, Oregon. Call (503) 362-5555 to book an appointment today.