How Can a Chiropractor Help With Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition that usually leaves the patient with a slightly bent posture and sometimes pain. The condition can be minor or severe, and it can seriously affect daily activities. The condition is usually chronic, but most people who have it do not experience serious problems. 

However, there are people for whom the condition is debilitating. When scoliosis is severe, physical therapy, back braces, traction, and surgery can correct it. A chiropractor can treat scoliosis by restoring normal posture without surgery.  


Understanding Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition that causes curvature of the spine. The condition usually begins in puberty, when rapid development affects the formation of the spine. The degree of spine curvature varies depending on the individual, and it can range from minor to severe. 

Some people end up with an almost S-shaped spine. The exact cause of scoliosis is not known, but it is often attributed to conditions like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy. Severe scoliosis can cause a reduction in the chest cavity space, leading to shortness of breath.


Symptoms of Scoliosis

Most people who have minor scoliosis may not notice any symptoms. For others, there are common symptoms, including uneven shoulders and uneven waist. Some people have one hip higher than the other, while others have one prominent shoulder blade. 

In more severe scoliosis, the spine rotates front to back and side to side. This movement causes misalignment in the ribcage, with one side appearing more prominent.


Diagnosing Scoliosis

Diagnosing scoliosis includes taking the patient’s medical history and any family history of the condition. The doctor will ask about recent growth and will enquire about pain and other symptoms. They will perform a basic physical examination, allowing them to check for spine curvature and other physical symptoms. 

The doctor may also carry out a neurological exam to look for numbness, muscle weakness, and abnormal reflexes. X-ray imaging is essential for coming up with an accurate diagnosis of scoliosis.


Treating Scoliosis

Those with minor scoliosis may not require treatment, but you should take regular X-rays. This is to make sure that the spine is not getting worse. Some patients require minor treatment in the form of braces and physical therapy, helping correct the spine curvature. Patients with mild or moderate scoliosis can benefit from chiropractic care. The care can correct posture and alleviate symptoms.


Chiropractic Care for Treating Scoliosis 

Chiropractic care is beneficial for treating scoliosis. Chiropractic adjustments help improve posture and spinal alignment. The therapy helps reduce pain and improve the patient’s quality of life. 

Misalignment of the spine often causes muscle strain and pain in other parts of the body. These include the back, hips, neck, and shoulders. A chiropractic adjustment can reduce the strain on the muscles, improving blood flow to the damaged muscles.

Many people who have scoliosis do not experience symptoms, and the condition does not affect their daily life. However, if left untreated, the condition can worsen, resulting in debilitating pain. Those who suffer from scoliosis during puberty need regular monitoring to determine if the condition is worsening. Routine X-rays help determine if the spine curvature is increasing.  

To know more about how a chiropractor can help with scoliosis, visit The Spine Clinic at our office in Salem, Oregon. You can call (503) 362-5555 today to book an appointment.