Treating Scoliosis with Chiropractic Care


Scoliosis is a back condition that is characterized by the spine bending permanently to the side at a noticeable angle. You may hear it referred to as ‘curvature of the spine’ and it is more common than people realize, affecting an estimated 6-9 million people in the United States alone. Scoliosis is predominantly an adolescent condition, with the majority of cases presenting in children between 10 and 12 years old, and females most likely to be affected.


There are several different types of scoliosis, and these relate to the age you are when scoliosis first develops, and the underlying cause of your condition (if known). These can also determine how severely you are likely to be affected by scoliosis.


Causes of Scoliosis


In many cases, it isn’t possible to determine exactly why someone has been affected by scoliosis. People who have a family history of the condition are believed to be more likely to be affected, as are girls. However, there are also some other factors that have been identified as potential contributors to the development of the condition. These include:

  • A diagnosis of cerebral palsy

  • A birth defect that affects the spinal bones, e.g. spina bifida

  • A diagnosis of muscular dystrophy

  • Suffering a spinal injury

  • Suffering from a spinal infection


Recognizing that your Child has Scoliosis


It isn’t always easy to tell if someone is suffering from scoliosis. It is most noticeable when someone is undressed, as a shoulder blade or rib may seem to be protruding more than the others, or the hips will look uneven. When dressed, a patient with scoliosis can look as though they are standing awkwardly or lopsided. Since most cases of scoliosis begin in childhood or adolescence, at a time when children are becoming more independent and more private, it can be difficult to identify scoliosis early on.


Other signs and symptoms that are indicative of scoliosis include:

  • Lower back pain

  • Problems breathing owing to a reduced area in the chest for the lungs to properly expand

  • A shoulder that sits higher than the other

  • A rotating spine


If you suspect that your child has scoliosis, it is advisable to make an appointment with your chiropractor as soon as possible.


Treating Scoliosis with Chiropractic Care


Many people are surprised to learn that chiropractic care can help patients with scoliosis to better manage their condition. This means a reduction in the amount of pain that they experience, prevention of further degradation of the spine, improved mobility, and improvement in their overall quality of life. Chiropractic care can also address other symptoms or problems that the patient may be experiencing.


When you first visit a chiropractor for treatment for scoliosis, an assessment of the curvature of your spine will be carried out to determine how severely you are affected. This will be used to create an individualized treatment plan based on your needs.


A traditional chiropractic approach will not work for scoliosis. This is because traditionally, a chiropractor will try and free ‘stuck’ joints in the spine so that patients can move more easily. Since this isn’t the main issue affecting scoliosis patients, the treatment is instead tailored to include special massages, stretches, gentle manipulations and exercises which will help to reduce the symptoms associated with your scoliosis. This includes:

  • Reducing pain and inflammation, meaning less reliance on pain medications

  • Improving your range of motion

  • Improving your flexibility

  • Enabling you to enjoy a more active lifestyle


If you are suffering from scoliosis and would like more information about how chiropractic care can help alleviate your symptoms, please contact The Spine Clinic in Salem, OR today.